• Carloop Procedures


    Following these procedures will help the carloop move quicker, smoother, and safer.  Thank you in advance for your help!



    • Cars will enter on the west side of the campus.

    • Form one line

    • Travel around the back of the school

    • Pull up and a staff member will help your child out of the car (Please make sure he/she is ready)

    • Your child will walk down the sidewalk and enter the building where more staff will help them get to class.



    • “Car Tag Zone” - Once you enter the carloop, your car tag needs to be visible in your window until you have left the campus.

    • Cars will enter on the west side of the campus.

    • Parents of a PK student will form a line on the inner side (right lane as you enter)of the loop.

    • Parents of a Kinder student will form a line on the outer side (left lane as you enter) of the loop.

    • If you have one of each (PK & Kinder), please go in the PK lane.

    • Please keep the center lane open for emergency access.

    • Once your car reaches the side of the building, there will be a loading zone (signs are posted).

    • Cars will stay parked until all cars have a student.

    • Once students are loaded, cars will be directed to pull out.

    • The next set of cars will fill in the loading zone where more students will be loaded.

